There is a Conspiracy - But Its Not What You Think
There are many powerful factions involved in the Climate Change movement.
If you are a student of history, you will see how people, in general, oppose change. It makes them afraid, or doubtful. But change is part of life. The traditional industries (Coal, Petroleum, Nuclear) all feel threatened by the Climate Change movement. They have a veritable army of lobbyists - who create articles, websites, radio shows, and pressure on government leaders. So what is the truth? |
We all need to have faith in something. And the one that that never lets you down, is science.
Science is what gave you that computer you are using, the car you drive, and the education to create doctors. Science is what allows communications to work, military planes and submarines to operate, and basically supports everything in your life. Scientists are, by their nature, not as vocal as politicians (or Lobbyists). They mostly just sit and work.
So what we all need to do is have a little trust, let them do their work - and lets try to help the planet. Because the Earth is hurting - and we are partly to blame.
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