Its time to have a Green Wallet
What and how much you buy has a big effect on the environment. You have so many choices. You can buy products that are recycled, you can use less of everything, you can buy only from manufacturers that have green practices. You can use your wallet to show you care. Buying products that are ethically produced can change the world - what if everyone did that?
Some green products cost more; if you have the resources, it is worth paying more for doing the right thing.
Climate Change is a long term process where the earth's climate evolves, due to many factors. These factors include effects from the Sun, ocean currents, naturally occurring weather patterns, from the biology on our planet - and from human activities as well. The risk to us all is that human activities are increasing; the load we are putting on the atmosphere is getting worse each year, not better. The science has shown that it is already too late to avoid the part of climate change that we have caused; now we have to try to at least slow it down, and we have to learn to live in a warming world.
Some green products cost more; if you have the resources, it is worth paying more for doing the right thing.
Climate Change is a long term process where the earth's climate evolves, due to many factors. These factors include effects from the Sun, ocean currents, naturally occurring weather patterns, from the biology on our planet - and from human activities as well. The risk to us all is that human activities are increasing; the load we are putting on the atmosphere is getting worse each year, not better. The science has shown that it is already too late to avoid the part of climate change that we have caused; now we have to try to at least slow it down, and we have to learn to live in a warming world.
What if you bike to work, instead of buying so much gas? You help the atmosphere.
What if you did some home gardening? Home-grown food is healthier, and tastes better! You can grow food for your family. Do you have children? Home-grown food has no pesticides; you are in control. You can also buy organic food for your children; this is important since their bodies and their brains are still forming.
The web has almost unlimited resources for buying green. Get out that search engine and take a look! We will be developing our own search engine that has only green companies, and also a directory of green companies.
Upgrading your appliances to more energy efficient models can make a big difference; as well as insulating your house better. How about your neighbors - do they need help doing these things?
When you shop you can bring your own bag, to reduce plastic bags in landfills. You can ask each store manager to change their plastic bags to paper, or a recyclable plastic bag; they now exist.
Most cleaning products now have a biodegradable option - check the store shelves, ask the store manager, and look online.
There are 1,000's of green/organic/fair-trade websites; one of our favorites is the store at Equal Exchange.